HS Handbook
Conway Springs High School
Home of the Cardinals
Welcome to Conway Springs High School. Your education and safety are very important to us. This handbook is provided as a reference for the operational requirements of the school. This handbook is not all inclusive, but it should be viewed as a reference for general school related issues. Please take time to read this handbook and familiarize yourself with our school policies.
The Conway Springs Board of Education has approved this handbook; therefore, the rules and regulations covered in this handbook are considered board policy. Since this book is intended as a general reference, not all of the guidelines, rules, and regulations of Board of Education policy are listed. Further regulations or needed changes in rules to ensure the educational environment is optimal for your student will be left up to the discretion of the building principal. This handbook has been reviewed so that its rules and regulations will help all of us have a better school.
CSHS is proud of its high standards and culture of expectations. These standards and expectations have produced amazing results that most schools and students only dream of obtaining. Spend some time in the Commons to understand what we are talking about. It takes you doing your part though. Please become familiar with the procedures. We have learned that some of the behaviors, which we use to expect, now have to be demanded. CSHS will be a safe and enjoyable environment for every student, faculty member, and staff member. Help take care of our school. This is a facility that we can and will be proud of for years to come.
Our purpose as teachers and administrators is TO CHALLENGE YOU AS STUDENTS AND HELP YOU FIND A WAY TO SUCCEED. Your job is to take an active part in your education. Like many other areas of life, you will only benefit from your efforts if you invest something into those efforts.
Furthermore, this is your school. Much of the climate in this building depends on your attitude toward education. Be positive to your school, yourself, your fellow students, and the faculty and staff. I encourage you to become active in your school life, show each and every individual respect, and work to be proud of your school and your accomplishments. Remember, the faculty and staff are here to work for you. You are here to learn, to participate, and to work for the faculty and staff and above all else, to work for your own academic success. Have a great year!!
Brent Harrell
“It is the mission of Conway Springs High School to provide the students the opportunity to master basic educational skills and the opportunity to accumulate knowledge to adapt to a changing work environment, to be able to meet the rigorous requirements of colleges and universities, and to be a responsible community member.”
CSHS Graduation Requirements (Starts w/Class Of 2028)
English English I, II, III, & IV 4
Mathematics Algebra I, Geometry, 1 Unit Elective 3
Science ½ credit Phys. Science, ½ Earth & Space, 1 Biology, 1 Unit Elective 3
STEM Elective 1 Unit 1
Social Sciences World Hist., American Hist., ½ Gov., ½ Soc. Issues 3
Computers Computer Tech 1
Physical Education Health & PE 1
Fine Arts 1 Unit 1
Communications/Financial Lit. 1 Unit 1
Electives 6 Units 6
24 credits
Postsecondary Assets 2 Prior to Graduation
Students MUST acquire a minimum of two postsecondary assets before graduating. The office will keep a list of eligible postsecondary assets as well as keep track of each student’s status.
Community Service 5 Hours per Year 20 Total
If a student moves into the district, they are responsible for the full 20 hours. Seniors that move into the district during the second semester of their senior year are exempt from this requirement.
CSHS Graduation Requirements
English English I, II, III, & IV 4
Mathematics Algebra I, Geometry, 1 Unit Elective 3
Science Physical Science, Biology, 1 Unit Elective 3
Social Sciences World Hist., American Hist., ½ Gov., ½ Soc. Issues 3
Computers Computer Tech 1
Physical Education Health & PE 1
Fine Arts 1 Unit Elective 1
Speech/Personal Finance 1 Unit 1
Electives 7 Units 7
24 credits
Community Service 5 Hours per Year 20 Total
If a student moves into the district, they are responsible for the full 20 hours. Seniors that move into the district during the second semester of their senior year are exempt from this requirement.
Conway Springs Academic Graduation Policy
All seniors shall have completed all requirements for graduation as established by the State of Kansas and the Board of Education. A senior must be in good standing with the school having fulfilled all financial obligations in order to participate in the commencement exercises. Students graduating who wish to be considered for honors (valedictorian, salutatorian), need to be Kansas Board of Regents curriculum completers and must be enrolled at CSHS during the final four full semesters in which the student earned credits.
The Kansas Board of Regents has recently amended the Qualified Admissions Criteria. Please check the following website for the most recent information: www.kansasregents.org
-Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Pittsburg State University, and Wichita State University will require an ACT score of 21+ OR a cumulative 2.25+ GPA.
-Kansas State University will require an ACT score of 21+ OR a cumulative 3.25+ GPA.
-University of Kansas will require an ACT score of 21+ AND a cumulative 2.0+ GPA OR a cumulative 3.25+ GPA.
For Kansas Scholar’s Curriculum Scholarship consideration: English (4 Units); Science-must have Biology, Chemistry and Physics; Math (4 Units plus 1 additional advanced math course); Social Studies (3 Units); Foreign Language (2 units of 1 language).
Dual credit courses may be offered to select Junior or Senior status students over the IDL and in some regular classroom settings. For all institutions, a cumulative 2.0+ GPA is required for any college courses taken while in high school.
Once the semester or year has started, students will not be permitted to make random changes in
class schedules. All requested changes will be approved by the parent, counselor, and principal and must be completed within the first week of school or in the case of second semester, by the last day of first semester. All possible changes will be subject to class size and completion of other requirements. Occupational training selection must also be done within the week before the 2nd semester begins.
Freshman: A student who has completed the eighth grade.
Sophomore: A student who has earned at least 5 credits prior to enrollment.
Junior: A student who has earned at least 11 credits prior to enrollment.
Senior: A student who has earned at least 17 credits prior to enrollment.
The Student Council and faculty of Conway Springs High School have determined that students with a 3.50 or higher grade point average (on a 4.00 scale) will be placed on the Honor Roll each semester. Each semester, any student achieving a 3.50 GPA or higher will receive the Principal’s Honor Roll and presented with a certificate. Any student maintaining a 3.5 GPA or better for the school year will receive an Academic Letter in addition to the Principal’s Honor Roll.
Report cards are issued at the end of each semester. Letter grades are used to designate a pupil’s progress. Report cards will not be issued unless all student fees have been paid.
A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F - 0.0
Students will have a maximum of 10 days to change an incomplete grade. Failure to do so will result in the incomplete being changed to a failure. Progress reports may be sent upon request.
7:55 Warning Bell
8:00 - 8:55 1st Hour
9:00 - 9:52 2nd Hour
9:57 - 10:17 3rd Hour – Activity Period
10:22 - 11:14 4th hour
11:19 - 12:11 5th Hour for 2nd Lunch Group
11:19 - 11:42 1st lunch
11:47 - 12:39 5th hour for 1st lunch group
12:16 - 12:39 2nd Lunch
12:44 - 1:36 6th hour
1:41 - 2:33 7th hour
2:38 - 3:30 8th Hour
The school attendance policy is modeled on general practices followed by employers who expect exceptional attendance to maintain employment. Behavior patterns at an early age tend to carry over into adult life. Research indicates missing 10 percent of school days negatively affects a student’s academic performance, therefore, regular attendance is necessary for academic success. It will be the policy of the Board to encourage regular attendance by all students. Students in U.S.D. 356 are expected to be punctual in their attendance. Also, most classes include daily participation points which cannot be made up due to absences. Students must be in class to receive these points.
Under KSA 72-1106, students in grades 9-11 must complete not less than 1,116 school hours and for pupils attending grade 12, not less than 1,086 school hours. Therefore, the major responsibility for acceptable attendance lies with the student and parents/guardian under the Kansas Compulsory Attendance law.
Kansas statutes provide that a student is “truant”, and the school is required to notify juvenile authorities, if they are absent without excuse, for a “significant portion” of the school day, for three (3) consecutive days of unexcused absences, five (5) or more days of unexcused absences in a semester, or seven (7) unexcused absences in a school year. Those students not living at home should notify the principal and make arrangements pertaining to notification of attendance.
Students must be in attendance to have an opportunity to learn and improve their knowledge and skill levels. Students arriving at school after the 8:00 bell are required to report to the office and check in before going to class. A student failing to check in will be marked absent until he or she checks in. Any student arriving after 8:30 will be considered absent. This policy is established in order to encourage good daily attendance, the number one factor influencing student achievement.
1. A student who exceeds a total of 8 absences in any class during the course of a single semester will lose credit in that class. The student must continue to attend the class and do all work assigned in the class.
2. The student can regain credit status in the class through attendance at Saturday School sessions. This process will allow them to make up the time they have missed over the maximum 8 absences.
3. An absence from class would not be counted under this policy for the following reasons:
Absences that are documented by a signed note from a licensed physician or a dentist with the specific date of absence noted on the documentation.
Absences that are documented due to appearance in court or involvement with other governmental agencies.
Absences that are the result of a student’s involvement in any academic, athletic or activities program related to school.
Absences due to a serious family emergency (ex. funeral of a family member, transportation of parents and/or siblings to a medical appointment that is documented).
Absences due to an Out-of-School suspension assigned by administration of the high school.
Absences due to participation in activities related to a religious holiday.
Prearranged absence due to a college visit – Seniors get 2 visits per year, Juniors 1 visit per year. The Counselor has the College Visit forms available for teachers and administration to sign.
Students of active duty personnel may have additional excused absences at the discretion of administration for visitations relative to leave or deployment.
4. All absences which do not fit into one of the categories above would go against the 8 absence total.
5. Absences per hour beyond 8 per semester will be made up time-for-time by the student through the Saturday School program in order to regain credit status in the class. Exceptions will be determined by administration.
6. The official record of absences will be the one that is kept by USD 356.
Students arriving at school after the 8:00 bell are required to report to the office and check in. A student failing to check in will be marked absent until he or she checks in. Any student arriving after 8:30 will be considered absent. Parental notes are required within 48 hours upon returning to classes to determine if absences are excused or unexcused. Notes to be submitted to the office should include:
1. Date of return
2. Date of absence
3. Name
4. Reason for absence
5. Signature of parent or guardian
6. Doctor’s/Dentist’s note or signed appointment card.
The administration reserves the right to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused in accordance with the Conway Springs USD 356 Policy. With few exceptions, excused absences will include any absence verified by the parent or guardian in writing and/or by phone by 9:00 a.m. (see examples of excused absences below). If parents do not call the office, the parents will be called. The school may choose the option of giving an unexcused absence in the event the absence is not reported. Phone calls are to be verified by a written note upon return to school. Appointments made after 3:10 will not count against opting out for CRT Finals.
Examples of Excused Absences
1. Student illness (can NOT exceed 8 per semester – Dr.’s Notes Required After 8 In A Semester)
2. Death or serious illness in the family
3. Emergencies (not excessive)
4. Related to family owned or operated profession (typically not more than 1 day per year)
Examples of Unexcused Absences
(Not an all-inclusive list)
1. Car trouble - verification by parents must be immediate, with parent verification secured only one time per year.
2. Working
3. Hair appointments
4. Seniors pictures
5. Skipping - unverified absence or an absence whose reason differs from that mentioned by parental note or phone call.
6. Fair - unless a participant.
7. Shopping
8. Hunting/Fishing
9. Oversleeping
10. Babysitting or home chores - contingent upon circumstance/emergency.
11. Vacation/ski trip - unless with family and/or vacation is an unusual situation.
12. Personal appointments – getting driver’s license, returning home to get something, etc.
Any student missing school with an unexcused absence may be punished by In-School or Out-School suspension, detention, or Saturday school. K.S.A. 72-1113 states that any time scheduled for attendance by a school can be counted as a regular school day for the purposes of taking attendance. This includes Saturday school, detention time, and summer school.
ADVANCED NOTICE OF ABSENCE – Including 2 college visit days (Seniors Only)
Teachers may give advance make-up work to students who are aware of an absence in advance. However, it will be the student’s responsibility to plan ahead and forewarn each instructor of a planned absence. The best interest of the student may not be served if class work is such that it should not be given out of sequence. Parents should notify the office of any planned absence. The recommended notification should be enough in advance (10 days, minimum of 3 days) to allow the student sufficient time to complete work or arrange for makeup. Students will obtain from the office and complete a “Student Request to be Absent” form and return to office.
Missed assignments should always be requested by students and teachers should always provide any work missed due to an absence no matter what the circumstance. In many cases, classes are taught in a progressive manner and in a logical sequence. One lesson may be the groundwork for all succeeding lessons. It is up to the discretion of the teacher to determine specific requirements for make-up work in each class. An expected requirement would be conferring with the student outside of regular class time (before, during, or after school) to help bring him/her up to date. Two days should be permitted to make up work for each day absent (i.e. absent two days, student has four days to complete work). Pop quizzes or daily extra credit work may or may not be made up. In special circumstances or long-term illness, teachers, students, and parents should be kept informed of progress and an acceptable time limit should be established.
Students missing class due to a scheduled school activity will need to have the work completed upon returning to class. Extra make-up time is at the discretion of and allowable by the classroom instructor (Missing classes to represent the school in a school-sponsored activity is not counted as an absence – grades will not be penalized the day a student is gone for a school activity).
Students suspended out of school will have an opportunity to make up only major assignments or tasks. Major assignments will be due upon the student’s return in most cases. Major tests will be taken upon the student’s return to school. Arrangements will be made if the student returns after or during semester finals in most, but not all cases. Furthermore, students in ISS or OSS will lose their Opt-Out privileges with each day assigned eliminating a potential final opt-out.
Students are expected to be to each class on time throughout the day. Students will be counted tardy if they are not in class according to classroom procedures when the final bell rings. Any student tardy to first hour class will report to the office before going to class for determination of the validity of the tardy. All first period tardies will be dealt with by the principal. All other tardies for 2nd period through 8th periods will be handled by the individual teacher. Students arriving after 8:30 will be considered absent. Any student detained by a teacher must obtain a pass from the teacher for admittance to the next class or be subject to an assigned tardy. A student more than 20 minutes tardy to a class will be considered absent. A third and fourth tardy will result in 30-minute detentions each to be assigned by the teacher. A fifth tardy and beyond will result in 1 hour of detention. Students who reach 10 tardies and beyond for an individual class will receive on day of ISS for each tardy moving forward. Tardies reset at semester.
The School Board has established that the Superintendent of Schools must make the decision if school is to be changed from the normal operating hours due to inclement weather conditions or any unforeseen circumstances that may occur. The official announcement for school closings may be heard over the following media outlets.
KFDI KLEY (Wellington) KFH KSNW Channel 3 KAKE Channel 10 KWCH Channel 12
NOTE: Parents will receive automated phone messages regarding school cancellations.
Counseling service is available to all students who wish assistance with vocational, educational, or personal problems. Services normally include testing, individual counseling, and information relating to occupational or educational needs. Student confidences are respected, and students should feel free to contact the counselor in an attempt to resolve their concerns. Psychological services are available for Conway Springs’ students. Parental permission is required before students are allowed this service. Parents may request that their child be allowed to receive this service by contacting the building principal.
The CSHS Library Media Center serves students and staff by providing equipment and material in a variety of formats for reference and research, by supporting the curriculum including Accelerated Reader, and by promoting recreational reading. The LMC is open from 7:45 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. There are quiet rooms available for collaborations and individual study. Book checkout is for two weeks renewable once. Students may check out three books at a time. A fine of .05 cents per day will be charged on books that are late. You may not check out books if your fine is over $1.00. Any damage to a book may result in a repair or replacement fine. Activity Period will be a quiet time as everyone deserves to be able to sit and work without disruption. Unless accompanied by a teacher, all students must have a pass to use the library.
The Board of Education will establish enrollment fees at the beginning of each school year. All books are to be rented from the school. All fees should be paid when you enroll. Refunds will be made in proportion to the length of time a student was enrolled.
First Quarter 75% Second Quarter 50%
Third Quarter 25% Fourth Quarter 0%
* Fees for damaged or lost books will be the responsibility of the student/parent up to and including full
replacement cost.
Students who drive to school are encouraged to consider the safety of other drivers and pedestrians as well as those who may ride with you. All joy riding around the school building between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. is prohibited. Students may go to the parking lot or their automobile only with permission from the principal. Students will park in the designated student parking areas only. Students should not park in the yellow zones, block driveway exits or other vehicle entrance areas. The parking spaces in front of the main entrance, against the East Curb, the entire West Side of the building, and the South Lot are designated for teachers, administrators and substitute teachers only (special permission may be granted for the South Fence stalls for Small Engines class with prior permission from the principal and instructor). If you are not parked between parallel lines, you are illegally parked. The parking spaces in front of the school are for handicap parking and visitors. Students are prohibited from parking in these areas before, during, and after school and during all school activities. Students will not be allowed to take other students automobiles during school hours without written permission from both students’ parents. Driving to school is a privilege.
The food and soft drink machines are provided for the convenience of the students. The student council operates the sports drink machine and the cafeteria operates the milk machine. Please take proper care of the empty containers and wrappers and help keep our school clean. Food and drink are not allowed to be taken out of the commons or into any carpeted areas. (This includes carpeted hallways where lockers are located.)
High school dances are open to students in grades 9 through 12 only. Eligible guests may attend if they have a guest permit issued by the office prior to the dance. Prom is open only to students currently in the upper two grades or above and under 21 years of age. This includes guests from other schools. High school activity dances will not extend past 12 midnight. Once a student leaves the dance, that student may not return. If a student is not in good standing with the school, they will be unable to attend dances or other activities.
Persons attending dances and other like gatherings will be required to submit to an alcohol breath test prior to being admitted to the dance as per board policy. Student may be asked to submit to a breath test at any time during the school dance if suspicion arises. Students failing this test will have their parents contacted and be required to leave once the parent arrives. They will also be subject to district disciplinary measures regarding student use of alcohol and/or be referred to the local law enforcement agency.
Eligibility for inter-school activities is determined by the Kansas State High School Activities Association and the Board of Education of U.S.D. 356. A student shall have passed at least five units of credit in the previous semester of attendance to be eligible to participate in inter-school activities. The student shall be a bona fide member of Conway Springs High School and in good standing. A student who uses any form of tobacco, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, etc. at school events is not in good standing. An incomplete shall count as a failure. It is important that all students realize that deliberate misbehavior, destruction of school property, or excessive absences will cause them to lose their good standing in the school, and as a result, their eligibility to participate in inter-school activities will be denied. In order to be eligible to participate in any KSHSAA sponsored activity or practice, the student must be in attendance the entire school day unless excused for the following reasons: Doctor’s appointment verified by a doctor’s note, a court appearance verified by a note from the court, funerals, and religious holidays or observances as verified by a parent’s note. No other excuses will be allowed unless prearranged and accepted by the building principal or his designee.
Beginning on the Monday of the third full week of each semester, student eligibility will be checked every Monday at 10:30 generating a list of students with failing grades. If a student is not passing five subjects at that time, he/she will be placed on probation for a one-week period. If at the end of the one-week probation period (Monday to Monday), the student is still not passing five subjects, the student will be considered ineligible and will remain ineligible until they are passing five subjects. Eligibility includes all students attending games, dances, field trips, plays, etc. If a student’s participation is tied to a grade, the individual may perform in those events (band, vocal, etc.).
U.S.D. 356 is dedicated to the concept that extracurricular activities are an important and vital component of a total education. These activities provide positive learning experiences for our students, offering them opportunities for competition, integrity, and self-discipline.
Students have no absolute right to participate in such activities. Such participation is a privilege afforded to the students and encouraged by the Board of Education. Selection to a team, organization, or club is both an honor and a privilege. This selection carries responsibilities commensurate with leadership roles. As leaders and representatives of U.S.D. 356, these students accept an obligation to represent themselves in an exemplary manner.
If a student is absent from school for any part of the day, they are unable to participate or attend an activity or practice for that day. If a student brings a doctor’s note explaining the absence, the principal or activities director may waive the absence and allow them to participate. However, if the appointment is in the morning or afternoon, the student should not miss the majority of the day. Any student missing any part of the day without a principal approved absence will not be allowed to attend any activity whether they are a participant or not. Funeral attendance will be excused provided a parent note accompanies the student upon their return.
Anyone caught in possession of a laser pen or pointer will not be allowed to attend any other activity for the remainder of the school year.
Anytime a student wishes to leave the classroom, he/she is required ask the teacher to sign their pass book. The teacher will sign the pass book on the current date and indicate the time the student left the classroom. Students must return to their regularly assigned class in a reasonable amount of time and before the end of the period unless specified by their teacher. Students must have their pass book when in the halls during class time. Passes to go to the counseling office should be obtained from the counselor in advance. When sent to the office or requested to come to the office, the student shall have their pass book signed by the teachers.
All students enrolling in any district school shall provide the building principal with proof of immunization of certain diseases or furnish documents to satisfy statutory requirements. Booster shots required by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Environment are also required. The superintendent may exclude students who fail to provide the documentation required by law from school until statutory requirements are satisfied.
All students will be issued a hall locker in which they may keep their personal property such as books, notebooks, coats, etc. All students are requested to mark all personal property so it can be identified and should keep it in a locked locker when it is not in use. The school cannot be responsible for valuables left in halls, rooms, or unlocked lockers. The administration reserves the right to search a locker if it is suspected of containing material which may be harmful to the health or safety of the student or school. Students are not permitted to bypass their combinations by jamming their lockers. Students do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when using a school locker.
All students will eat lunch in the commons area only. Permission may be obtained from the office to walk home or have a parent take you home for lunch. Students living in close proximity to the school who desire to go home for lunch should bring a note from their parent or guardian. The note should state the duration of the home lunch visit. Abuse of this privilege will result in permission being denied to go home for lunch.
Refunds will be issued at the end of the school year for anyone subject to at least a $1 refund. Questions on school lunch issues need to be directed to the food service director.
The medication policy for the district is listed under board policy JGFGB-R (Supervision of Medications). This policy includes the following items:
Diagnosis and treatment of illness and the prescribing of drugs and medicines are not the responsibility of the public schools and are not to be practiced by any school personnel, including school nurses, unless authorized. The school may cooperate with parents in the supervision of medication that a student will use. However, the medical person authorized to prescribe medication or the parent if it is a non-prescription medication must send a written order to the building administrator who may supervise the administration of the medication or treatment. The parents must submit a written request to the building administrator requesting the school’s cooperation in such supervision and releasing the school district and personnel from liability.
School personnel shall not be required to be custodians of any medication except as required by a written order of a licensed medical person or in the case of nonprescription medication when requested in writing by the parents.
The medication shall be examined by the school employee administering the medication to determine that it appears to be in the original container, to be properly labeled and to be properly authorized by the written order of licensed medical person. Any changes in dosage, type of drugs, or time of administration should be accompanied by new physician and parent permission signatures and a newly labeled pharmacy container.
All medication maintained in the school setting should be kept in a locked container. This includes medication-requiring refrigeration. Out of date stock medications should be returned to the parent or destroyed. Over the counter medications should not be maintained on any school premises, including athletic areas, unless written parent permission to administer is obtained. In any administration of medication, the school employee shall not be deemed to have assumed any legal responsibility other than acting as a duly authorized employee of the school district.
****For a complete medication policy, please contact the high school office or the board office.
Requests to use the office phone may only be approved between classes, before or after school, or during Activity Period. The reason for the call must be approved by the administration.
School provided transportation will be used for all school-sponsored activities. For liability reasons, students will go and return in school provided vehicles unless special permission is received for a student to ride with his/her own parents (this requires a parent, sponsor and administrator signature and 24 hours’ notice is recommended). Only students from our high school are allowed to ride our buses. Any student causing a disruption, disturbance, or not following the driver or sponsor’s requests will lose his/her bus riding privileges. This goes for activities, field trips, and regular bus routes.
The following are prohibited:
The display of posters advertising activities, commercial dances, meetings, etc. not connected with the school.
Ticket selling campaigns in the school for events which are not school sponsored.
The selling of magazines or any other articles by recognized student groups unless specifically approved by the Board of Education.
Solicitation of citizens or businesses of U.S.D. 356 in the name or interest of the school or a school organization for contributions or donations of any kind unless approved by the Board of Education.
Any possession, use, sale, or purchase of any of these items by an individual under the age of 21 is a direct violation of the law and school policy. If a student is caught doing any of the above, the 1st offense will result in In-School Suspension (3 days), the 2nd offense will result in a police referral/citation and Out School Suspension (5 days), a 3rd offense will result in another police referral/citation, 10 days Out School Suspension, and required participation in a cessation program paid for by the student.
As a condition of continued enrollment in the district, students shall abide by the terms of this policy. Students shall not unlawfully manufacture, sell, distribute, dispense, possess or use illicit drugs, controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages on school property, or at any school activity. Any student violating the terms of this policy will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement officials and will be subject to the following sanctions: * Short term suspension *Suspension from all activities for up to one year * Long term suspension *Expulsion *Completion of a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program *And/or other actions.
Positive behavior is a joint effort of school personnel, parents, and students. School conduct should reflect consideration for the rights and privileges of others. This includes the use of profanity or improper language used in school or at school events. Persistent rudeness, or verbal insubordination, whether expressed by the use of profanity, a smart aleck or disrespectful tone of voice, gestures, or other means, will result in disciplinary action for the offender. Appropriate punishment will be suited to the offense.
All students assigned after school detention will be given 24 hours notice prior to serving (i.e. students may serve the detention on the day of the infraction or the next day). Failure to serve may result in added time and/or Saturday school or even possible suspension.
Arrangements may be made with each individual instructor to serve the detention before or after school. Detentions assigned by the teacher must be served with the teacher. Failure to serve a teacher detention will result in an office referral and 1 discipline point.
Every student has the right to an education in a safe environment. Any charges of bullying or harassment should be brought to the building principal. All charges will be investigated. All cases will follow the guidelines set forth in the district policy book section J and our building bullying policy. The administration and BOE prohibit bullying in any form on school property, in a school vehicle, or at a school sponsored activity or event as pursuant to JDDC in board policy handbook.
Any form of hazing that is used by an individual on school grounds or school trips will be subject to expulsion or suspension from school. CSHS does not approve of any unwanted or forceful behavior from any student towards another student. Examples of this include: shaving heads, telling someone to do something against their will, rituals, traditional exercises not approved by building administration, etc.
All students need and deserve a safe place to learn. Therefore, discipline becomes a large factor of education. Students are to act responsibly during the school day, on school property, and at school events, or whenever on school business. The point system will be used at CSHS. This is not an all-inclusive list. Points will be assigned to behaviors as necessary if not listed
Category I (0-1 point) Consequence Suggestion
Disruptive behavior in class Before/After School detention
Dress code violations In-school suspension (1-3 days)
Failure to participate in required activities Possible parental contact
Failure to attend assigned detentions
Failure to carry daily planner
Horseplay outside classroom
Inappropriate behavior
Inappropriate language or gesture
In-school suspension room violations
Leaving class without permission
Public display of affection
Parking violations
Category II (0-2 points) Consequence Suggestion
Leaving school grounds without checking out in office After/before school detention
Misuse of school property In-school suspension (1-5 days)
Unacceptable behavior at all school events Possible suspension from activities
Detention violations Loss of school privileges
Failure to comply Possible parent contact
Lunchroom misbehavior Saturday detention
School bus misconduct
Substitute teacher reported misbehavior
Possession of electronic devices
Skipping or cutting classes
Threats, obscenity, profanity, gestures to others (non-staff)
Throwing of dangerous object
Category III (2-4 points) Consequence Suggestion
Cheating In-school suspension (1-5 days)
Copying homework or allowing it to be copied Out of school suspension (1-5)
Driving violations Loss of school privileges
False use of forms or parent notes Contact made with law enforcement
Fighting/physical force with another No credit for work
Possession or use of Tobacco Saturday detention
Vandalism Parent contact
Failure to follow a staff directive
Category IV (3-6 points) Consequence Suggestion
Alcohol possession or use
Extortion In-school suspension (1-5+ days)
Flagrant misbehavior Out of school suspension/expulsion
Open Defiance Team meeting (parents/admin)
Prejudicial behavior Contact law enforcement
Harassment Expulsion/suspension hearing
Threats, obscenity, profanity, gestures to staff Parent contact
Weapons that could be considered dangerous
Category V (4-12 points) Consequence Suggestion
Arson/Weapons possession/Illegal Substances Contact with law enforcement
Battery or aggravated battery In- school suspension (1-5+days)
Theft/Possession of stolen Property Out of school suspension (1-5+ Days)
Physical force against any employee Suspension/Expulsion Hearing
Terroristic threat Parent Contact
At 4 points a letter is sent to parents and the consequences will be imposed.
At 6 points a letter will be sent and phone contact made with parents as well as consequences.
At 10 points a team meeting will incur with parents, student, teachers, and administration.
At 16 points an expulsion or suspension hearing will be held. A single incident could result in a hearing as well.
Students are expected to dress in a manner that assures adequate modesty and does not interrupt the learning process. DRESS CODES APPLY AT SCHOOL AND ALL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. The following guidelines were approved by the Board of Education USD 356:
No underwear or undergarments are to be shown at any time.
Shorts must have a 3-inch inseam or longer.
Skirts must reach mid-thigh in length.
Sheer tights, and pantyhose are undergarments and may be worn under skirts, dresses,
and athletic shorts ONLY.
Sleeveless tops must extend to the shoulders and be tailored to fit closely under the arms so as not to show any undergarments. Tank tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops, off-the-shoulder tops, and shirts with cut-off sleeves are prohibited.
No holes or tears in pants above the 3-inch inseam (shorts length requirement). No underwear should be shown. Sagging or baggy pants are not allowed.
Midriff shirts and crop tops must be worn with an adequate undershirt to cover bare skin or have a shirt or jacket covering them that is buttoned closed and/or zipped. No backs or bellies should be shown while walking in a hallway or classroom.
No clothing advertising any type of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, or sexually suggestive clothing.
No clothing or apparel with profanity or similar products with any form of suggestive language.
No hats, headbands, hairnets, wave caps, sweatbands, stocking caps, hoods on sweatshirts (hoodies), or skullcap bandanas may be worn in the building during the school day from 7:55 – 3:30. Exceptions may be made during homecoming week.
Students with body piercings of any kind will need to remove them before engaging in Physical Education class or PSQ.
Chains or chain wallets must be under 12”, and no long belts which could be considered weapons due to length or jewelry that could be considered a weapon.
No book bags, strap bags, purses, satchels, tote bags, or gym bags will be allowed in the classrooms. Students may bring them to school to carry their schoolwork, but they must leave them in their lockers.
No trench coats are to be worn in hallways or classrooms after arrival at school.
Shoes are to be worn at all times in all parts of the building. (Exception: gym, locker rooms, & training room).
No pillows or blankets are allowed in the classroom or hallways. Students should dress appropriately for the season.
Parents and students must understand that all teachers and administrators have the authority to take the necessary measures for maintaining an atmosphere which is most conducive for learning. The list above is not an all-inclusive list. Students sent home to change will have their absence reflect on their opt-out for finals.
In all cases of student use of the gymnasium or classrooms, there must be a faculty member present to supervise the student activities and to be responsible for leaving the facilities locked. If any damage to school property occurs, the sponsor shall report the name of the individual responsible to the school principal. The principal is required to see that the student and/or his/her parents pay the cost of repairing such damage. Scheduled student activities shall have precedence over any other activity.
Fire Drill: We are required by state law to have regularly scheduled fire drills. We will
have at least one fire drill each month. When the alarm sounds, the instructor will take charge and everyone must exit quickly and orderly until clearing the building by 50 feet.
Tornado Drill: The purpose of a tornado drill is to help ensure the safety of students and staff in the event of severe weather. When the tornado alarm sounds (a series of short blasts or intercom message), head to the designated tornado shelter and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
There shall be no public display of affection other than holding hands while at school. Anything else is inappropriate in a school setting.
The administrators and teachers urge you to show proper respect for property, both public and private. Everyone should assist in keeping halls, rooms, and buildings in a neat, attractive condition. Students are asked to use the walks and to refrain from walking on the areas which have been planted in grass. Any intentional damage to school or private property will result in restitution and suspension. Accidental damage will result in restitution.
Evening and weekend use of the school parking lot is a privilege that can be taken away. This area will be monitored by security cameras and any illegal activity will be reported to the local law enforcement agency and may result in restitution and suspension. Parking lot areas to the South and West of the building do not need to be accessed after school hours unless specified by a school employee.
Parents are encouraged and invited to visit the school to become better acquainted with the school. Please contact the office at least one day prior to the date and time of the visit. Student guests are not allowed. All visitors must check in at the office and will receive a visitor’s pass.
A student shall not knowingly possess, handle, or transmit any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon on the school grounds or off the school grounds at a school activity, function, or event. This policy shall include any knife (of any length), weapon, any item being used as a weapon or destructive device, or any facsimile of a weapon. Possession of a firearm shall result in expulsion from school for a period of one-year (186 school days), except that the superintendent may recommend that this expulsion requirement be modified on a case-by-case basis under the provisions of JDC (probation).
As used in this policy, the term firearm means any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, or any firearm muffler or silencer, or any destructive device.
As used in the policy, the term destructive device means any explosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, or other device similar to any of these devices.
Students shall have no expectation of privacy when using district e-mail or computer systems. E-mail messages shall be used only for approved educational purposes. All computer use is subject to monitoring by staff and/or administration. Computer use agreements will be signed once per high school tenure, and they will remain in effect until you graduate high school. Violations of the computer use agreement may result in loss of computer use and email.
Academic dishonesty is not acceptable. Cheating, defined as copying another student’s work and claiming it as your own or accepting help from another when instructed not to, is a prohibited practice. Comparing answers when instructed not to will also constitute cheating. Evidence of cheating shall result in points assigned as per the discipline policy, as well as the student who copied and the student who allowed the copying (if knowingly done) receiving a grade of zero for the assignment.
Plagiarism is also prohibited. Unintentional plagiarism includes poor paraphrasing, accidental improper citations, and insufficient citation for facts not considered common knowledge. Evidence of unintentional plagiarism will result in a deduction of points appropriate to the amount of plagiarism as determined by the instructor and a discussion with the student about the mistakes made.
Intentional plagiarism includes a substantial verbatim reproduction of information, deliberate miss-documentation, and the submission of others' writing as the student's own, including the use of purchased or acquired papers and a student's own paper that has already been turned in for credit for a different assignment. Evidence of intentional plagiarism shall result in points assigned as per the discipline policy, as well as the following:
First offense: the student will re-do the assignment for half credit. The instructor will make a parent phone call.
Second offense: the student will receive a zero on the assignment. The instructor, administration, student and parents will hold a conference.
Third offense: a third offense in the same class will result in the student not receiving credit for that semester.
To maintain order and discipline in the school and to protect the safety and welfare of students and school personnel, school authorities may search student lockers, book bags, etc., or student automobiles under the circumstances outlined below and may seize any illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered in the search.
A student's failure to permit searches and seizures as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action.
A student's person and/or personal effects (e.g., purse, book bag, etc.) may be searched whenever a school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials.
Instructional rooms and areas of student use are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security and condition of their own work areas. Periodic general inspections of rooms and other areas of the school may be conducted by school authorities for any reason at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Student lockers are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their lockers. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for any reason at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. The school retains authority to conduct routine patrols of student parking lots and inspections of the exteriors of student automobiles on school property. The interiors of student vehicles may be inspected whenever a school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that illegal or unauthorized materials are contained inside. Such patrols and inspections may be conducted without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Cell Phones/Smart Watches/Electronic Devices: Technology has inundated our personal lives, and though there are many conveniences associated with this technological revolution, it has continued to cause distractions in the academic setting becoming a detriment to the learning process. Therefore, cell phones are NOT to be used during class time by students. Cell phones may ONLY be used during non-instructional time such as passing periods, the Commons during AP, and the Commons during lunch. During all other instructional periods, students are to keep their cell phones on silent and out of sight in either their pocket or locker and not access them while in a classroom.
1st Offense: cell phone confiscated and turned into the office, 1 discipline point, and 1-hour detention.
2nd Offense: cell phone confiscated and turned into the office, 2 discipline points, 2 hours of detention, parents required to pick up the phone.
3rd Offense: cell phone confiscated and turned into the office, 3 discipline points, 1-day ISS, parents required to pick up the phone. Student is required to turn the cell phone into the principal’s office every morning for the rest of the school year.
Most of the expectations cited above also apply to smart watches and earbuds/headphones. Smart watches may only be used as a traditional watch while the student is in a classroom. Earbuds and headphones are to be turned off and not on or in an ear when the student enters a classroom and may only be used with specific teacher permission when paired to a student’s Chromebook.
Cameras and camera phones shall NOT be used in such a fashion as to inappropriately invade the privacy of others. No camera shall be used in any classroom, restroom, dressing area or locker room. Cameras shall not be used to record confidential school materials, such as tests, documents, etc. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion.
These policies are designed to teach students personal accountability for their technology devices by providing clear guidelines for when it is appropriate and when it is not appropriate to be on a cell phone or other device.
This Student Handbook is subject to change at any time by the administration of CSHS.