Upcoming Events

What’s is happening at school:

As the superintendent of schools, my job involves a lot of time spent on budgets and purchases.  I also have several reports due to the state each month so that also takes some time.   On top of that, I have various meetings I have to attend to stay up on current issues and take care of various factors that impact our schools.  Therefore, when I get a chance to sit down and just talk with students – those are great days!!  Over the past few weeks, I spent some time in the middle school, speaking with students about life in general and their future.   I wanted to share some of the information/thoughts I shared with them while visiting their classes.

I spend quite a bit of time talking with students about making good choices and good decisions.  I try to tell them that we all make mistakes, but learning from those mistakes is what life is about.  If you continue to make the same mistakes over and over – life probably won’t turn out as well as it could be for them.  

  We also talk a lot about career choices.  Finding something that fits your skill set so that you can be successful.   If you want to be an electrical engineer because you want to make good money, but you hate math – that probably won’t work out.  I give them several things to think about as they are trying to determine which career path to take.   We also talk about different professions and how you will have to attend college for some of them, but trade schools are great for other career choices. 

  I also visit with them about talking to their parents or guardians.   Making sure that they are involved in their life because they can be a very useful resource.  I also tell them to thank their parents or guardians for all they do.  Many times, we don’t understand what all our parents did for us until we become parents ourselves. We also talk about thanking those who have impacted their lives, like teachers, family members, community members, coaches, etc……

  Various other topics are brought up like choosing good friends, not allowing others to negatively influence your life, do your best every day, try to make someone else’s day by being kind, etc…. 

  Again – getting the chance to just spend time with students – that is the best part of my job!!

 As always - I truly appreciate the support that this community shows for our students and our school.  Conway Springs is a great place to raise children!!

   ****If anyone is interested in becoming a substitute teacher or substitute bus driver, we are running very low in this area.  Please contact the district office if interested at 620-456-2961*****


Clay Murphy - Superintendent of Schools


We are taking applications for the following positions:

We are always looking for substitute teachers, substitute cooks and substitute bus drivers.  If interested in any of these positions - please call the district office at 620-456-2961.

Employment Page

Certified teaching positions are posted on the KSDE website at  


October 18 - Students will be dismissed at 1:00

October 24 - No school - Parent teacher conferences

October 25 - No school

November 1 - No school

November 25 - 29 - No school

This contains information to help students with technology