Upcoming Events

School attendance:

Everyone knows that attendance is important in any facet of life.   School attendance is not only a law, it is also important for students to be present to get the information from teachers.  Many times, daily lessons build on each other, so each daily lesson is like the next step in a staircase.  Missing a step can create issues.  

    We would like to see everyone have 100% attendance each year, but we also have to realize that sometimes things in life just happen and that may not be possible.   Illnesses, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, etc. come into play and sometimes an absence is necessary.   However, keeping those absences to a minimum is very important for a student’s education.

     Having talked about the importance of attendance at school – I wanted to share some information from a study that was done on school attendance.  

If a student misses 2 days a month – each year – during their entire K-12 years, they would miss well over an entire year of school through those years.

If a student misses 4 days a month – each year – during their entire k-12 years, they would miss well over 2 years of school through those years.  

     Again – everyone should have a goal of 100% attendance, but we all know that is a lofty goal.  However, each day is important and absences can add up quickly.

     If your student is ill and especially when running a fever – they should stay home.   However, we need to push students to be in school as much as possible so that they don’t miss out on those building blocks of daily education.  

 As always - I truly appreciate the support that this community shows for our students and our school.  Conway Springs is a great place to raise children!!

   ****If anyone is interested in becoming a substitute teacher or substitute bus driver, we are running very low in this area.  Please contact the district office if interested at 620-456-2961*****


Clay Murphy - Superintendent of Schools


We are taking applications for the following positions:

We are always looking for substitute teachers, substitute cooks and substitute bus drivers.  If interested in any of these positions - please call the district office at 620-456-2961.

Employment Page

Certified teaching positions are posted on the KSDE website at  


September 30 - No school - Teacher inservice day

October 18 - Students will be dismissed at 1:00

October 24 - No school - Parent teacher conferences

October 25 - No school

November 1 - No school

This contains information to help students with technology